I'm getting pumped for November and for Nanowrimo, so I decided to create a list of ten commandments for myself to follow while trying to produce 50,000 words in the 30 days of November.
Ten Commandments of Nanowrimo:
1. Thou shalt brag endlessly about thy word count
2. Thou shalt play nicely with thy muse, else thy muse go on strike at the most inopportune moment
3. Thou shalt remember to eat, drink, void thy bowels and bladder, blink occasionally, and- when caught up with word count- sleep.
4. Thou shalt not write an excessive amount on some days and grow arrogant. If thou art ahead, thou shalt keep writing as if thou art still behind because idleness is a killer.
5. Thou shalt edit nothing- thou must reach 50,000 words in only thirty days, so thou shalt tell thy inner editor to put a sock in it
6. Thou shalt not sacrifice thy homework for thy novel. Sleep shall be sacrificed instead.
7. Thou shalt stop procrastinating right this instant
8. Thou shalt take thy notebook everywhere
9. Thou shalt write 2500 words per day
10. Thou shalt persevere! Thou shalt march (type) towards victory!